Road Tax Calculator

The Malaysia Road Tax Calculator helps you estimate your annual road tax payment quickly and accurately. Whether you own a personal vehicle or manage a company fleet, this calculator considers your car’s engine capacity and ownership type to provide precise road tax calculations for vehicles registered in Peninsular Malaysia.

Stay informed about your road tax obligations and plan your vehicle-related expenses with confidence.

Malaysia Road Tax Calculator

Malaysia Road Tax Calculator

How is road tax calculated in Malaysia?

Malaysia’s road tax is primarily calculated based on your vehicle’s engine capacity (cc), with different rates applying to different cc ranges. The calculation also takes into account whether the vehicle is privately owned or registered to a company, and whether it’s a saloon or non-saloon car. Rates are progressive, meaning they increase as the engine capacity increases.

Company-owned vehicles have higher road tax rates because they are typically used more intensively for commercial purposes and are expected to contribute more to road usage and maintenance. This differential pricing structure is part of Malaysia’s transport policy to ensure fair contribution from commercial vehicle operators.

Saloon cars are typical passenger vehicles with a separate boot compartment (sedan style), while non-saloon vehicles include hatchbacks, SUVs, MPVs, and vans. The road tax rates differ between these categories due to their different uses and impact on road infrastructure. Non-saloon vehicles generally have different rate structures due to their varied purposes and usage patterns.

Road tax in Malaysia must be renewed annually before its expiration date. You can renew your road tax up to 2 months before the expiry date. It’s important to renew on time to avoid penalties and ensure your vehicle remains legal on Malaysian roads. Always ensure your insurance is valid before renewing your road tax.

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